
The Gilbert School

Location: Winsted, CT, USA



The Gilbert School, a boarding school located in picturesque Winsted, CT, USA, was established in 1895. The school has an enrollment of 465 students. The program provides a brand new boarding hall for students. In the fall of 2018, the US News and World Report awarded the Silver Medal distinction, a unique and outstanding accomplishment awarded to the Top 10% of all 19,000 high schools in the USA.

Courses Offered

High School Diploma, English, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Information Technology, Economics Basics, Business Fundamentals, Environmental Studies, World Languages, Health Education, Community Service Projects, Leadership Activities, Academic Writing Skills, Study Skills

Admission Requirements

Previous academic transcripts with satisfactory grades, English proficiency recommended, placement test for course level, interview with admissions staff